Come along to the myriad Scarborough Literature Fringe
events including my ‘Scarborough Consequences’ collaborative story making
project in the library bookshop.
Beyond the Fringe:
the new performance by H2SLine - Felix Hodcroft and Sue Wilsea - is a powerful,
joyful experience - though not for the easily offended! Backed
by the brilliant Scarborough trio, First Quarter, Sue and Felix will, amongst
much else, rehabilitate Philip Larkin and Virginia Woolf as paramount writers
of joy and celebration, as well as feature a wider range of first class writing
- from 13th century Persia
to 21st century Scarborough . Friday 19th April, 5-6pm, in the Sitwell library at
Woodend. £2 to include
a free glass of wine or fruit juice. Reserve your ticket by ringing Felix on