So this blog is going live at last. I have expunged all the posts which have upset the Primary Care Trust, what remains are the scraped bones of my reflections during the residency. I still think they are worth keeping.
And I hope my blog will prove interesting to read. I am back to teaching on a part-time degree at the university - where all my students are mature, new or returners to Higher Education - and to running a therapeutic creative writing workshop for people with depression and anxiety. I am into the final part of my training as a counsellor. And I am trying to write a book about that training.
It is the life I choose, financially insecure, often exhausting and frustrating, and organisationally complex as I juggle the demands of various employers along with my compulsion to write. It can be painful as I have to face the many hurts carried in myself and others and in the world around me. But it is a life which buzzes with people and creativity and is nourrished by love.