
I am still in shock. Despite a massive snow fall two days beforehand and all the health and safety shenanigans, the Peasholm Magic Lantern went ahead at the weekend as part of the Coastival festival. And we had 300 visitors over the two afternoons. Yes, 300, I have not added an extra zero by mistake. I had expected 30, and we had ten times that number.

Not everyone stayed for the 20 minute duration of the digital loop, though the majority did, or, at least, for a substantial part of it. And, of course, not everyone liked it, but most responses were favourable. For many it was the experience of coming onto the island in the middle of the park and climbing the hill to the garden and pagoda at the top - perhaps bringing back happy memories of doing the same in the past - which added to the enjoyment. One girl had just "done" Haikus at school so was excited to see them "at work".

Here are some extracts from the comments book:
“Really enjoyed it – lovely concept of poetry with music.”
“The best performance piece of the whole festival.”
“Very nice – makes you realise what a nice park we’ve got.”
“Very tranquil. Enjoyed it and could have sat for longer.”
“Beautiful experience. Meditative/brilliant.”
“Interesting use of the building. Enjoyable. Different.”